NHWGA Charitable Foundation Memorial

NHWGA Charitable Foundation Memorial Tournament

(aka Stephanie Thomas Memorial Tournament)

Thursday, May 30, 2024, shot-gun start 9:00 a.m., Registration starting at 8:00 a.m. 

Lake Sunapee Country Club

Format: four-person team bramble.

$175.00 per person includes:
green fee, cart, coffee & breakfast treats, lunch and prizes.

Eligibility is open to women with an active GHIN handicap.
You may register yourself and up to 3 players. If you cannot register a full team, we can assign you to a team.

Following the round, a raffle and auction will be held. Proceeds from the raffle and auction are to be distributed to NH Breast Cancer Coalition and the NH Go Red for women heart health.

In case we need to contact you.



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NH Women's Golf Grant Application

The NH Women’s Golf Grant Endowment supports both organizations and individuals. The individual must be a resident of the state of New Hampshire or a playing member of a NH Golf Club. New Hampshire organizations may request funds to support events that promote women’s golf, that is, enhance their ability to play, compete, and learn.

NH Women's Golf Grant Endowment

The NH Women's Golf Grant Endowment supports both organizations and individuals. The individual must be a resident of the state of New Hampshire or a playing member of a NH Golf Club. New Hampshire organizations may request funds to support events that promote women's golf, that is, enhance their ability to play, compete, and learn.

Enter the website URL of the organization or the event you are requesting funding for. For an individual this may be the event, for an organization this may be your organization's website.