June Doerr Grant Recipient

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U.S. Girls' Junior Championship

June Doerr has been awarded a $1,000 grant to help her with travel/hotel expenses to the 75th USGA Girls’ Junior Championship held at the Caballero Country Club, Tarzana, CA. This was made possible from NH Women’s Grant Endowment augmented by a private donor who designated money for grant requests from individuals.
June qualified for the event by placing first at Captain’s Golf Course, Brewster, MA, on June 17, 2024. Although June missed the cut after the 2nd round of the USGA Girls' Junior Championship, she had this to say:

The USGA Girls' Junior was such a wonderful experience both on and off the golf course. It was amazing to meet people from all over the world, and share our golf experiences. I have learned so much about high stakes tournament play, from course management and preparation, to mental strategies to stay focused amid all the spectacle, lessons that I will get to carry with me as I go off to college and play golf.

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NH Women's Golf Grant Application

The NH Women’s Golf Grant Endowment supports both organizations and individuals. The individual must be a resident of the state of New Hampshire or a playing member of a NH Golf Club. New Hampshire organizations may request funds to support events that promote women’s golf, that is, enhance their ability to play, compete, and learn.

NH Women's Golf Grant Endowment

The NH Women's Golf Grant Endowment supports both organizations and individuals. The individual must be a resident of the state of New Hampshire or a playing member of a NH Golf Club. New Hampshire organizations may request funds to support events that promote women's golf, that is, enhance their ability to play, compete, and learn.

Enter the website URL of the organization or the event you are requesting funding for. For an individual this may be the event, for an organization this may be your organization's website.