Nicole Butkus will be entering her third year at Saint Anselm College majoring in Biology. She has worked in the field of biology studying marine animals and birds. She hopes to do research in the field of marine biology helping to protect those species and to protect their environment. She feels this type of research is especially important with the escalating crisis in climate change facing our world. Nicole was a member of her high school and the St. Anselm golf team. She plays golf at Abenaqui Country Club. She is a recipient of the Jean E. Lyons scholarship.
Alexis St. Laurent will be entering her senior year at Franklin Pierce University. She is a member of the women’s golf team and serves as a representative on the Women’s Golf Student Athletic Advisory Committee. She works with other schools to enhance the golf program at Franklin Pierce. She is majoring in accounting. As a student in the Business Plus program at the college, she will earn both a Bachelor and Masters degree upon graduation next spring. She is a recipient of the Jean E. Lyons scholarship.

Ainsley Mazerolle will be entering her senior year at Keene State College majoring in Elementary Education and Psychology. Her goal upon graduation is to work in an elementary school with children that have past traumatic experiences and learning obstacles. She is a recipient of the NHWGA Charitable Foundation scholarship.
Katherine Daley is a graduate of Bishop Guertin High School, Nashua NH and has been accepted at the Air Force Academy. Service the country is a part of her family’s DNA. Her great grandfather served in the Army Air Corp, in WWII, Her grandfather served in the Navy during the Vietnam war, and her father served in the Air Force in Bosnia and Iraq. She is a recipient of the NH Women’s Golf scholarship

Alessandra Sargent is a graduate of Bow High School, Bow NH and has been accepted to Quinnipiac University in their nursing program. She is fascinated by the human anatomy. In pursuit of her interest in nursing she shadowed a Nurse anesthetist in an ambulatory operating room and worked at the Hospice House, where she observed how one handles both the emotional and psychological needs of both the patient and the family. She is a recipient of the NHWGA Charitable Foundation scholarship.
Paige Irving is continuing her education at Boston University seeking a Master degree in Social Work. Paige was a member of her high school golf team; played for Suffolk University while pursuing her undergraduate degree; and continues to play at Canterbury Woods where is a member. She aspires to work in clinical social work in a psychiatric healthcare settings. She is a recipient of the NH Women’s Golf scholarship.